Weekly Bulletin 10.01.25
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 10.01.25 | |
Happy New Year and welcome back to term 3! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. It's a busy learning term but have some exciting workshops and sporting events taking place in th… | |
Weekly Bulletin 20.01.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 20.12.24 | |
We've reached the end of term 2 and what a fun last week it's been with all the different Christmas events. | |
Weekly Bulletin 13.12.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 13.12.24 | |
The Nativity performance was brilliant this week and all the children did incredibly well learning their lines, singing and speaking so confidently on stage. We are very proud of them all. … | |
Weekly Bulletin 06.12.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 06.12.24 | |
We kicked off our festive celebrations this week with a Christmas music concert and pantomime, which was great fun. The final two weeks of term are very busy so we have put together an over… | |
Weekly Bulletin 29.11.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 29.11.24 | |
The KS1 Christmas performance is looking and sounding wonderful; the children are working hard to learn their lines and project their voices; you will certainly be in for a treat. As will w… | |
Weekly Bulletin 15.11.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 15.11.24 | |
Thank you for all the cake donations for the Children In Need bake sale - it was a very popular event this breaktime. | |
Weekly Bulletin 08.11.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 08.11.24 | |
What a busy week lies ahead with Anti-Bullying Week, a sporting competition, the book fair and Children in Need. You can find information about all of these events below. We will also be ma… | |
Weekly Bulletin 01.11.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 01.11.24 | |
Welcome back to term 2, it's been a busy first week back with a visit from an astronomer, a PJ and teddy day and the fun Halloween disco. A big thank you to FOLS for organising another grea… | |
Weekly Bulletin 18.10.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 18.10.24 | |
The first term is complete - we can't believe how quickly these past seven weeks have gone. All the children have worked incredibly hard and the not-so-new EYFS starters have made an incred… | |
Weekly Bulletin 11.10.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 11.10.24 | |
We've had great fun taking part in a variety of workshops for SciFest week. | |
Weekly Bulletin 04.10.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 04.10.24 | |
Parent/Teacher Consultations - Monday 7th & Thursday 10th October | |
Weekly Bulletin 27.09.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 27.09.24 | |
We were very disappointed to have to cancel our Cluster athletics competition on Monday for a second time due to the British weather. We will rescheduling this event to take place in the su… | |
Weekly Bulletin 20.09.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 20.09.24 | |
A reminder that all our school-led clubs start from next week (notifications sent via ParentMail) and our Harvest assembly takes place on Wednesday for which we are inviting children to bri… | |
Weekly Bulletin 13.09.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 13.09.24 | |
It's been a busy full week in school with various events from our Read and Relax to Year 5's first swimming session. Forms to sign up to school-led clubs are now available on ParentMail and… | |
Weekly Bulletin 06.09.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 06.09.24 | |
We've had a great first week back in school. The children have settled so well, including the new EYFS children who are being very well looked after by their Year 6 buddies. | |
Weekly Bulletin - Starting back at school 03.09.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 04.09.24 | |
Welcome back to the start of the new academic year. | |
Weekly Bulletin 19.07.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 19.07.24 | |
That's it - another academic year completed! I'd like to say a big thank you to the staff for their hard work this year and thank you to all of you too, for your support in helping us to pr… | |
Weekly Bulletin 12.07.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 12.07.24 | |
We approach the final week of this academic year and the children will be taking part in a variety of end of term activities including watching the Year 6 performance on Wednesday morning. | |
Weekly Bulletin 05.07.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 05.07.24 | |
We had the perfect weather for our EYFS/KS1 sports day on Monday. The children all tried their best and did very well as did our musicians in the summer music concert. | |
Weekly Bulletin 28.06.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 28.06.24 | |
It's been a busy week filled with a variety of different sporting events and a visit to the zoo. Next week, children will be spending time in their new classrooms with their next teacher an… | |
Weekly Bulletin 21.06.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 21.06.24 | |
What a busy week! We were treated to a fabulous concert from the Schools Rock Band, Year 2 enjoyed ice-creams on the beach and we had a brilliant Opal Parent Play session. | |
Weekly Bulletin 14.06.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 14.06.24 | |
It's been wonderful to welcome the new EYFS children into school this week for their first stay and play session, they all did really well; this also provided an opportunity for the Y6 chil… | |
Weekly Bulletin 07.06.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 07.06.24 | |
I hope you all had a wonderful half term break. | |
Weekly Bulletin 24.05.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 24.05.24 | |
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 'Learn with your child' events this past week, it's been wonderful to welcome you all into school. | |
Weekly Bulletin 17.05.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 17.05.24 | |
A big well done to all of our Year 6s who completed their end of Key Stage 2 SATs this week; they showed great confidence and determination and took everything in their stride. | |
Weekly Bulletin 10.05.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 10.05.24 | |
Although it's been a short week, it's certainly been a busy one. We've had a visit from Penfield Nature Reserve volunteers which complements our geography and science curriculums and Year 3… | |
Weekly Bulletin 03.05.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 03.05.24 | |
It's great to see the sun shining at last - the children are enjoying being able to choose to eat their packed lunches outside this week with the warmer temperatures. | |
Weekly Bulletin 26.04.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 26.04.24 | |
A big thank you to all those who came to help on our Groundforce Day last weekend, the children are really enjoying playing with this new provision. | |
Weekly Bulletin 19.04.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 19.04.24 | |
Welcome back to the start of the summer term (although the weather certainly isn't matching up with it being cold still!). I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break. | |
Weekly Bulletin 28.03.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 28.03.24 | |
Our Year 5 children have had an action-packed, adventurous week with their trip to Burghley plus their residential to Ironbridge. The children, and staff, are definitely in need of a rest a… | |
Weekly Bulletin 22.03.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 22.03.24 | |
We have had some exciting visitors in school this week - the children in EYFS have waited in anticipation for our 10 little chicks to hatch and were even fortunate enough to see a couple em… | |
Weekly Bulletin 15.03.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 15.03.24 | |
We've had great fun celebrating British Science Week this week where all the children took part in a whole-school science experiment to find out who could stretch a Curly Wurly the furthest… | |
Weekly Bulletin 01.03.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 01.03.24 | |
A rather wet and windy beginning to March, although hopefully this month will see the start of more sunnier and drier days to allow us to get our sandpit dug for OPAL. | |
Weekly Bulletin 23.02.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 23.02.24 | |
Welcome back to term 4. We've had some exciting visitors in school this week with Year 3 getting to meet different rainforest animals as part of their topic learning. The children were very… | |
Weekly Bulletin 09.02.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 09.02.24 | |
We're half way through this academic year and how time flies! The children have all worked very hard this term and I hope they have a great half term break and enjoy their pancakes next wee… | |
Weekly Bulletin 02.02.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 02.02.24 | |
It's Smartie eating time as FOLS send home tubes as part of their fundraising event next week for children to fill with coins for completing tasks at home over the half term break. | |
Weekly Bulletin 26.01.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 26.01.24 | |
The children had such an amazing time at the Young Voices event on Wednesday, it was truly a wonderful experience to perform in such a large arena with so many other children and talented m… | |
Weekly Bulletin 19.01.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 19.01.24 | |
We've seen great successes this week with children getting through to the semi-final in the Lego League event and gaining 3rd place in the athletics competition; well done to all those who … | |
Weekly Bulletin 12.01.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 12.01.24 | |
Rehearsals for Young Voices are well underway and children are getting excited for the upcoming event plus the two sporting competitions. | |
Weekly Bulletin 05.01.24
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 05.01.24 | |
Happy New Year! I hope all of our families had an enjoyable Christmas break. | |
Weekly Bulletin 20.12.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 20.12.23 | |
It has been a wonderful end to the term, ending on a high with our KS2 Christingle service, parties and carols on the playground. The mince pies and mulled wine were a lovely treat - thank … | |
Weekly Bulletin 15.12.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 15.12.23 | |
We were treated to a star performance in the EYFS/KS1 nativity this week. The children did so well performing to large audiences. | |
Weekly Bulletin 08.12.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 08.12.23 | |
We've all had a fabulous, festive fun-filled week. Thank you to everyone who came to support the children performing in the Christmas music concert and we hope the decorations you made with… | |
Weekly Bulletin 01.12.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 01.12.23 | |
It's the 1st December and Christmas preparations and activities have officially begun! Next week sees several festive events taking place including a music concert, Elfridges (don't forget … | |
Weekly Bulletin 24.11.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 24.11.23 | |
We are proud to share that we raised £355.22 for Children in Need last week. It's a great contribution to the worthy charities this cause supports; thank you again for your support. Great f… | |
Weekly Bulletin 17.11.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 17.11.23 | |
It has been wonderful seeing all the children dressed up in their different spotty attire today. A very big thank you to everyone for your generosity of donating cakes and contributions of … | |
Weekly Bulletin 10.11.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 10.11.23 | |
Next week is Anti-Bullying Week and on Monday we are inviting children and adults to come to school wearing odd socks as we join together to show that it's okay to be different and to stand… | |
Weekly Bulletin 03.11.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 03.11.23 | |
Welcome back to term 2, I hope you all had a wonderful half term break. Next week sees the start of our first 'Learn with your child' event and our Rights Respecting Committee will be visit… | |
Weekly Bulletin 20.10.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 20.10.23 | |
The first term is complete! I'd like to wish everyone a restful and enjoyable half term break. We return to school on Tuesday 31st October for term 2 which will be filled with more exciting… | |
Weekly Bulletin 13.10.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 13.10.23 | |
There has been great sporting success this week at the KS2 cross country competition plus we've seen children demonstrating so many of our school values during den building at playtimes. | |
Weekly Bulletin 06.10.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 06.10.23 | |
Our Year 6 children have had such an exciting time on their Kingswood residential this week and it didn't rain on their beach fun! Be prepared for lots of washing and some tired children th… | |
Weekly Bulletin 29.09.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 29.09.23 | |
Another wonderfully busy (and muddy!) week in school. Thank you all for your Harvest donations, I know the Deepings Foodbank are extremely grateful. | |
Weekly Bulletin 22.09.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 22.09.23 | |
It's been a very busy week with various workshops taking place in school teaching the children how to stay safe plus Year 3 and 4 enjoyed a fabulous trip to Grimsthorpe Castle. | |
Weekly Bulletin 15.09.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 15.09.23 | |
It's been a busy full week in school and all the children have settled back in to routines and are working hard, especially the new EYFS children who are doing so well. Next week sees Year… | |
Welcome back to school bulletin 05.09.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 06.09.23 | |
Welcome back to the start of the new academic year. | |
Weekly Bulletin 21.07.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 21.07.23 | |
That's it - another academic year completed! I'd like to say a big thank you to the staff for their hard work this year and thank you to all of you too, for your support in helping us to pr… | |
Weekly Bulletin 14.07.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 14.07.23 | |
One week left to go! Our Year 6 children are getting excited about their end of year production at The Deepings School next on Tuesday and they will be performing a full dress rehearsal to … | |
Weekly Bulletin 07.07.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 07.07.23 | |
Thank you to all those who joined us for our KS2 sports day and our first 'Read and Relax' event this week; the weather stayed dry and it was wonderful to see so many people supporting the … | |
Weekly Bulletin 30.06.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 30.06.23 | |
It was truly wonderful to listen to the children perform in the summer music concert to the school and parents this week. The children sounded great and amazed us with their confidence to p… | |
Weekly Bulletin 23.06.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 23.06.23 | |
What a busy week it's been with all the different sporting events, a trip to the seaside, a rock band performance plus our new EYFS children coming to visit school for the very first time. … | |
Weekly Bulletin 16.06.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 16.06.23 | |
The sunshine and warm weather has arrived at last and looks set to continue as we head into our sports week next week and Year 2 visit Hunstanton for their class trip. We hope as many of yo… | |
Weekly Bulltin 09.06.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 09.06.23 | |
Welcome back to the final term of this school year. It's certainly going to be a busy one with sports week, school trips, music concerts, transition events and our long-awaited Y6 productio… | |
Weekly Bulletin 26.05.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 26.05.23 | |
A busy final week of term. Well done to all our children for working so hard this term, in particular the Year 2 and Year 6 children who have completed their end of key stage SATs. | |
Weekly Bulletin 19.05.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 19.05.23 | |
Another busy penultimate week of this term which saw further sporting success and our Year 2, Year 4 and Year 5 pupils taking part in different road safety workshops with our local Road Saf… | |
Weekly Bulletin 12.05.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 12.05.23 | |
We'd like to say a big thank you for your support this week while Ofsted have been visiting, from taking the time to complete the survey to the delicious cakes and treats! We will share the… | |
Weekly Bulletin 05.05.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 05.05.23 | |
We have had such fun during our coronation celebrations today with painting, sport activities, scavenger hunts, quizzes and our own street picnic party. I hope you all enjoy the extra bank … | |
Weekly Bulletin 28.04.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 28.04.23 | |
Year 4 had a brilliant time away on their residential to Stibbington, a first for many children being away from home. | |
Weekly Bulletin 21.04.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 21.04.23 | |
Welcome back to the start of the summer term. It's been a great first week back and the sun has been shining ~ let's hope it continues as Year 4 head off on their residential to Stibbington… | |
Weekly Bulletin 31.03.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 31.03.23 | |
A busy final week in school, especially for our Year 5 children! | |
Weekly Bulletin 24.03.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 24.03.23 | |
It has been wonderful to see so many parents and family members come along to our 'Learn with your child' events this week. We hope you enjoyed it as much as the children have. | |
Weekly Bulletin 17.03.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 17.03.23 | |
With British Science Week and further sporting events, it has meant another busy but enjoyable and exciting week in school. The FOLS Easter Disco takes place next Thursday so don't forget t… | |
Weekly Bulletin 10.03.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 10.03.23 | |
We have been blown away by the efforts and generosity of both the children and our families this week. It's great the children are so willing to consider and support others in need. Thankfu… | |
Weekly Bulletin 03.03.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 03.03.23 | |
We had such fun celebrating World Book Day this week; there was a fabulous range of costumes so thank you to the children for joining in and for creating all the amazing books in boxes (and… | |
Weekly Bulletin 24.02.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 24.02.23 | |
Welcome back to term 4 - it's an action packed one with exciting workshops, competitions and trips. We're looking forward to seeing children's World Book Day costumes next week and don't fo… | |
Weekly Bulletin 10.02.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 10.02.23 | |
Wow - what a week! Sporting competitions and the epic Young Voices concert. We are super proud of all the children that have participated in events this week; they showed great determinatio… | |
Weekly Bulletin 03.02.33
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 03.02.23 | |
It's been an exciting week with author Luke Templeman visiting plus a full Young Voices rehearsal - we can't wait to perform at Sheffield Arena next Wednesday. We will be finishing the las… | |
Weekly Bulletin 27.01.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 27.01.23 | |
This term seems to be flying by and we only have two weeks left before the half term break. Unfortunately, the cold weather has seen some of the sporting competitions cancelled this week bu… | |
Weekly Bulletin 20.01.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 20.01.23 | |
Another great week of sporting success at the volleyball competiton and we have some newly trained Year 5 & 6 Play Leaders who are keen to help organise games and support other pupils at pl… | |
Weekly Bulletin 13.01.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 13.01.23 | |
We had our first sporting competition of the year this week, with the children earning second place in the Panathlon event, and we're looking forward to taking part and hopefully winning mo… | |
Weekly Bulletin 06.01.23
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 06.01.23 | |
Happy New Year and welcome back to start of the spring term. | |
Weekly Bulletin 16.12.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 16.12.22 | |
It has been a wonderful end to the term, ending on a high with our KS2 Christingle service and Carols on the Playground. | |
Weekly Bulletin 09.12.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 09.12.22 | |
What a week it's been with a sporting competition, a visit to a Mosque, Christmas performances and a hilarious panto treat. | |
Weekly Bulletin 02.12.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 02.12.22 | |
Advent calendars have been opened, the tree has been decorated and even an elf has appeared in school the last couple of days! Christmas celebrations have truly begun. | |
Weekly Bulletin 25.11.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 25.11.22 | |
Christmas preparations and celebrations are in full swing from next week with our Christmas tree being delivered on Tuesday and decorated by the Year 2 children, and our Christmas Fayre on … | |
Weekly Bulletin 18.11.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 18.11.22 | |
It was wonderful to welcome so many of you to our first 'Learn with your child' events this week. We have had some great feedback and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we all did. We will b… | |
Weekly Bulletin 11.11.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 11.11.22 | |
It has been a week of reflection leading up to Remembrance Day today in which we marked the 2-minute silence and Year 6 took part in the service at church, reading the names of the fallen a… | |
Weekly Bulletin 04.11.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 04.11.22 | |
Welcome back to Term 2! We've had a great first week back with our first sporting competition of the year and with the children taking part in the NSCPCC Speak Out assemblies. | |
Weekly Bulletin 21.10.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 21.10.22 | |
A jam-packed final week of term filled with a variety of wonderful experiences for the children, including some children's first Halloween disco organised by the wonderful FOLS team. | |
Weekly Bulletin 14.10.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 14.10.22 | |
We have one week left of this term; how quickly it has gone but it has been wonderful to see how well the children have settled into the new school year, how much they have learnt and every… | |
Weekly Bulletin 07.10.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 07.10.22 | |
The Year 6 children have enjoyed an amazing 3 days on their residential and as we head in to the last two weeks of term, we have so much more to fit in and look forward to, including balanc… | |
Weekly Bulletin 30.09.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 30.09.22 | |
It's been a busy week with all of our clubs starting, a visit from POSH and the election of our new School Council. Next week, Year 6 head off on their residential to Overstrand and Year 2 … | |
Weekly Bulletin 23.09.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 23.09.22 | |
Another jam-packed week in school that has been full of reflection following Her Majesty's funeral on Monday. Thank you to the EYFS parents who attended our RWInc meeting yesterday. | |
Weekly Bulletin 16.09.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 16.09.22 | |
It has been another fantastic busy week in school. Forest School has got off to a great start for Year 6 and Year 4 where children have been taking part in activities linked to their topics… | |
Weekly Bulletin 09.09.22
Langtoft Primary School ~ Weekly Bulletin 09.09.22 | |
It has been a fantastic first week back in school. All the children have settled in brilliantly, including all of our new starters in both Foundation Stage and throughout the rest of school… | |
Welcome back newsletter ~ September 2022
Langtoft Primary School ~ Welcome Back Information | |
Welcome back, to all our existing and new families, to the start of a new academic year. I hope you all had a fantastic summer break and enjoyed the wonderful weather we were fortunate to h… | |
Friday Bulletin ~ 22 July 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 15 July 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 8 July 2022
Friday Bulletin~ 1 July 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 24 June 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 17 June 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 10 June 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 27 May 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 20 May 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 13 May 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 6 May 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 29 April 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 22 April 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 31 March 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 25 March 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 18 March 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 11 March 2022
Newsletter #161 ~ March 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 25 February 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 11 February 2022
Newsletter #160 ~ February 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 28 January 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 21 January 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 14 January 2022
Newsletter #159 ~ 7 January 2022
Friday Bulletin ~ 17 December 2021
Friday Bulletin ~ 10 December 2021
Newsletter #158 ~ 3 December 2021
Friday Bulletin ~ 26 November 2021
Friday Bulletin ~ 19 November 2021
Friday Bulletin ~ 12 November 2021
Newsletter #157 ~ 5 November 2021
Thursday Bulletin ~ 21 October 2021
Friday Bulletin ~ 15 October 2021
Friday Bulletin ~ 8 October 2021
Newsletter #156 ~ 1 October 2021
Friday Bulletin ~ 24 September 2021
Friday Bulletin ~ 17 September 2021
Newsletter #155 ~ 10 September 2021
Back to School Arrangements (Covid Plan - updated Dec 21) ~ 3 September 2021
Back to School Arrangements (detailed) (Newsletter #154) ~ 3 September 2021
Welcome Letter from the New Headteacher ~ 3 September 2021
Langtoft Primary School ~ Welcome Back Information | |
Welcome back, to all our existing and new families, to the start of a new academic year. I hope you all had a fantastic summer break and enjoyed the wonderful weather we were fortunate to h… | |